
Star Trek

Last night I was bored and was perusing the short plot synopses of Star Trek episodes on Wikipedia. I have recently been on a Star Trek binge and was trying to decide which episode to watch next. Looking at the synopses, I have to say, was hilarious. Hour long shows are complex and very difficult to describe in a single sentence. Star Trek episodes are no exception. Even the best sentence long descriptions of the episodes are often less informative then they are "theater of the absurd". Some of the synopses seem a bit over the top, even for Star Trek.
I'll give a few examples:

  • "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"

    Nurse Chapel searches for her long lost fiancé, and uncovers his secret plan for galactic conquest.

  • "Shore Leave"

    The crew of the Enterprise visits a bizarre planet, encountering the rabbit from "Alice in Wonderland", fighter planes and Samurai.

  • "Spock's Brain"

    Captain Kirk pursues aliens who have stolen Spock's brain.

  • "The Way to Eden"

    The Enterprise is hijacked by a criminal doctor and his loyal, hippie-like followers who are attempting to find paradise.

And here's a few from Star Trek: The Next Generation:

  • "Darmok"

    Picard struggles to communicate with an alien Captain who speaks in metaphors, before an invisible beast kills them both.

  • "Bloodlines"

    DaiMon Bok returns to exact revenge on Picard, by trying to kill the son Picard never knew he had.

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