
Fake Trailer - Black Friday

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, where it is the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. This often creates several traffic jams and people with tents waiting outside stores for them to open. Since the idea of actually going outside and shopping (as opposed to the quicker and more efficient online shopping) is frightening, Black Friday to me would be a horrifying experience. I decided to create a fake movie trailer about this.

NOTE: I actually am not quite finished with this video, I want to find clips of rioters to replace the actual clips of Black Friday Shoppers.


Video Clip Sources:

Vermont Zombie Trailer:

Customers Fight Over PS3:

Massive fights at PS3 Japan launch!:


Video Game Glitches - Rush 2

I remember how excited I was when I found this glitch (it's not often that I am the first to find a glitch). It really has no useful purpose just a cool way to get outside of the map.

Game - Rush 2
Console - N64
Level - Las Vegas
Difficulty - Very Easy

NOTE: It is possible to survive this and drive for a while underneath the map (I've done it before)


Photoshop: Snapple Caps

I was looking at Snapple bottle caps the other day (you know, the ones with facts on them) and thought how funny it would be to have completely inaccurate facts on them. I immediately set to work making photoshops of 4 caps. Enjoy!