
Work Sucks

Recently I've heard the following phrase over and over: "Doesn't Work Give You Such A Satisfying Feeling?" To which I usually respond, "No, but you give me a 'Stepford Wife' feeling." With that aside I will now talk about my opinions on work.

  1. Work is not satisfying.

  2. After doing several hours of yard work I would never say, "Wow! How Fulfilling! I Wish I Could Do That Again!" However, I would say, "Damn... What A Waste of Time..."

  3. Work does not "Feel Good".

  4. I can honestly say that it has the opposite effect on me. It "Feels Like My Muscles Are Rapidly Atrophying".

  5. Work does not give you a sense of accomplishment.

  6. Rather it gives you a depressing feeling. (i.e. "It Looked Better Before...")

I hope this helps you in your decision on what to do this summer... Me, I'm going to Vegas.

EDIT (November 28, 2006): I Really Did Go To Las Vegas That Summer... It Rocked...

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