
Green Acres

Who doesn't love old time TV?

If you have pictures on, then you will see Hitler circa 1940, If you don't have pictures turned on then you will see Htler circa 2005
This Guy, That's Who!

If you're like me in that you watch a moderate amount of TV, then you're bound to run across an old TV show like "Happy Day's", "I Love Lucy", "The Munsters", or even "Green Acres"! People with cable might see them on "Nick At Night". People with Digital Cable or Direct TV might see them on "TV Land". (For those of you without even basic cable, or bunny ears, You can still get all but a few of the basic cable channels with a long TV cable, some aluminum foil, and patience...)

There's something about old time TV that you can't get nowadays (if you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about.) It's not something you can describe... But if you think you can, please post a comment! There's something different about the TV shows of yesterday... Something that's lost on the TV shows of today... Now that is truly strife!

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